Retirement, 529 Accounts
Use the following online submit to alert us to your retirement account contributions, educational contributions (529 or ESA Plans) or if you received a 1099-R. A 1099-R will be issued for any distributions associated with a retirement account such as a pension, 401k, IRAs, SEPs, etc.
Your security and privacy is our first concern, and your submission is protected by TrustWave SSL.
1099-R Distribution Explanation
There are certain provisions within the tax code that allow for early distributions without tax penalty such as medical expenses, home purchases and other hardships, including rollovers from previous jobs. In the past we have discovered several errors on 1099-Rs where the client received an early distribution that was exempt from tax penalty but the coding of the form was incorrect. If we discover an error, more follow-up with your financial advisor and / or investment company will probably be necessary- please let us know if you want direct assistance with this.
Having said that, if you received any early distributions that you believe should be exempt from tax penalty please describe your situation below (such as bought a house, had medical bills, used it for higher education, rolled over, etc.). More discussion will be required.